Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Health Innovator!

    • How to navigate this course

    • The Health Innovator Accelerator - Course Description

  • 2

    Weekly Sessions Recordings

    • Week 1 - Intro to Health Innovator

    • Week 2 - Succeeding in Innovation

    • Week 3 - Need Finding and Validating Through Observations

    • Week 4- Preliminary need statement

    • Week 5- Becoming an expert through research

    • Week 6- Preliminary need statement review

  • 3

    Weekly Assignments and Submissions

    • 5 Models of Impact Mash-ups

    • Your first need statement and conducting observations

  • 4

    Ideation and Envisioning the Future

    • Looking Ahead

    • Before we begin...

    • The Innovator Lifestyle

    • How to foresee the future

    • Disruptive Innovation

    • Critical Thinking skills for Innovators

    • Test your Critical Thinking and Logical Fallacies

    • Assignment: Working Session Prerequisite

    • Looking Back

  • 5

    The Language of Innovation: Design Thinking

    • Looking Ahead

    • What is a Startup?

    • Introduction to Design Thinking

    • Creating an End-User Persona

    • Your End-User Persona

    • Validating Business Concepts

    • Testing for Product-Solution Fit

    • Looking Back

  • 6

    Your Innovation Toolkit: Lean Startup, Business Models, and Value Propositions

    • Lean Product Development

    • Discovering your Customer

    • Creating a Lean Startup

    • Designing your Value Proposition

  • 7

    Prototyping and Bringing your Idea to Life

    • Looking Ahead

    • What is your Prototyping Fidelity?

    • How to Develop a Concept

    • Concept Design Demonstration

    • Looking Back

  • 8

    Bonus: Makers and Product Development

    • Looking Ahead

    • Understanding Makers and Makerspaces

    • Intro to Manfacturing

    • Metal Manufacturing

    • Polymer Manufacturing

    • Ceramic Composite Manufacturing

    • Vacuum Forming

    • 2D Manufacturing

    • Laser Cutting

    • CNC Machining

    • Introduction to 2D Vector Design

    • Installing Inkscape

    • Inkscape Tutorial

    • Business Card Design

    • Intro to 3D Printing

    • 3D Printing Process

    • Printing in Healthcare

    • CAD Introduction

    • Fusion 360

    • Prototyping Electronics I

    • Prototyping Electronics II

    • Looking Back

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    Bonus: Emerging Techologies

    • Looking Ahead

    • AI and Big Data

    • Internet of Things

    • Robotics and Automation

    • Drones and Remote Sensing

    • Blockchain and Distributed Ledger

    • Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials

    • Bonus: App Development Webinar

    • Looking Back

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    Business Strategy and Planning

    • Looking Ahead

    • Researching your market

    • Basics of Business Strategy

    • Business Revenue and Expenses

    • Acquiring Customers

    • Segment Profitability

    • Aligning strategy and sales

    • Planning your business

    • Leadership and influence

    • Leading a team

    • Looking Back

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    Formalizing your Business and Pitching

    • Looking Ahead

    • Business formation

    • Funding strategy

    • IP protection

    • Pitching

    • Storytelling and product narrative

    • Startup legal aspects and government

    • Business planning and risk management

    • Looking Back